"Redoing a dining room, having “design motif” is it important?"

First of all, what does that really mean? and secondly, is it particularly important to have it in a dining room ?

A design motif is design element or subject that is recurred, often in various pretexts. for example doing a rooms where the motif was a particular animal, and use that theme in art, fabrics, table lamps, rugs, and decorative components.

In the photograph at above, White Motif Wallpaper Designs. designing a niche in the wall and increase the size of the motif using cherry detailing with the black drawings.

The cherry silver glass cabinets reflects the room motif put in different directions to create others that echo the theme, the glass in the display doors is etched with the same design, and even the paintings is consistent with the room motif as well as rounded white motif hanging. these components contribute to an create a harmony in the design.
